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Giles County Animal Shelter
678 Green Hollow Rd,
VA, 24134

Phone: 540-921-2053
E-mail: gilesanimalshelter@gmail.com

Opening Hours (for visitation and adoptions):
Monday - Saturday 12pm-4pm by appointment only,
Closed Sunday and Holidays,
We are 7 miles from Pearisburg. Please call the shelter at 540-921-2053 to verify that someone will be at the shelter.

The pet in the photo (top right) is looking for a home. Click on the picture for more information about it.

Lost and Found Pets are featured on our Facebook Page

Who we are
We are working to make our County a better place, one animal at a time. We have great dogs and cats for adoption. Please come by and adopt a new best friend or just visit. Our guys love to meet new people and have visitors. Come by and give a local shelter animal a forever home! We are 8 miles from Pearisburg. Please call the shelter at 540-921-2053 to verify that someone will be at the shelter. Before you surrender your pet to a local animal shelter, please consider other options that are available to you. We have great dogs and cats for adoption, so come by and adopt a new best friend or just come by and visit. Our guys love to meet new people and have visitors. Come by and give a local shelter animal a forever home. For more information see the Giles County Animal Control website.

Volunteer at the Shelter
The Giles County Animal Shelter recognizes the importance of volunteers dedicated to the care and placement of unwanted animals within the community and beyond. Participation in the Giles County Animal Shelter Volunteer Program supports in the operation of the shelter facility and the ultimate goal of humane treatment and adoption of animals. For more information see the Guidelines and Information for Volunteers Supporting Animal Shelter Operations and Special Projects (PDF file).

Lost your dog or cat?
Stray dogs and cats are kept for 5 days before being put up for adoption. Contact the shelter to check whether your pet is there. Some of the stray dogs and cats are featured on our Facebook Page but not all are put here so contact the shelter if you have lost your pet.

Adopting a dog?
Animals in custody of Giles County are eligible for adoption unless the Animal Control Officer (ACO) feels that the animal would impose a danger to the new owner or other residents. Animals may be adopted directly from Giles County Animal Shelter. All animals adopted from the Giles County Animal Shelter are required to be spayed or neutered unless they meet a special breed provision. The current adoption fee for a neutered/spayed animal is $. State law requires that anyone adopting a shelter animal must have it sterilized. If the animal is not sterilized, the adoption fee for a male dog is $145 and for a female dog is $155. fee includes spay/neuter, basic vaccines and a microchip Please phone 540-921-2053 for information about adopting from the Giles County Animal Shelter.

We will not ‘hold’ or ‘reserve’ a dog by phone or e-mail or Facebook message. Make sure that you are able to take your dog home on the day you adopt it. We will not keep a dog for you after its ‘available’ day.

If you cannot adopt, consider fostering a pet (giving it a temporary home)
  • Every time a shelter animal is able to go into a foster home, space is created for another animal in need.
  • You will be providing invaluable insight into how the animal does in the home making it easier to find the pet a new home, E.g. how they do with children, other dogs, and cats.
  • You will get to see the animal in their true form. Pets behave differently in a kennel enviroment - fostering a pet can teach them how to live in a home. From basic house manners like not going to the bathroom inside the home to other basic commands, you will also learn more about the pet, like their personality and quirks.
  1. Click here for the Foster Application form (PDF)
  2. If you are able to edit the file, fill in the blanks and save the document, otherwise print it and use a pen.
  3. E-mail the file to: gilesanimalshelter@gmail.com or post it to us.
    We will provide all the supplies needed for your foster. We look forward to building our Foster Program and working with our community.

Find the right dog for you
When looking for that new family member please remember to really think about the things you and your family want and need in a pet that fits the family lifestyle. Get to know your breeds! Some breeds require more space, exercise and circumstances than others. Even if you are going to adopt a mixed breed, look into what it's primary breed needs in a home, environment and exercise. Your new family member needs to be wanted by everyone in the family and included in your daily lives to be truly happy. Click here for more information on how to find the right dog.

Please Donate to Help the Dogs
Click here to see a list of items we find useful and ways to donate
On behalf of the animals thank you.

No Squeeky Toys Please
Toys that make a noise when you squeeze them can encourage some dogs to be aggressive towards young children because they squeek too. The device that makes the noise is usually small and can be harmful if swallowed. Some toys of this type contain a small battery which is poisonous if the dog eats it. The best toys are tuggers, tennis balls and hard chew toys that cannot be ripped apart.

Cats Needing Homes
Please take the time to check out all the nice young kittens and cats kittens and cats here. Please contact us for more information about the cats available for adoption.

Changes to Dog Tethering Law
From July 1, 2020, there are changes to dog tethering laws across the state of Virginia.

The legislation expanded the definition of 'adequate shelter' for family dogs. It is illegal to leave tethered dogs outside when temperatures are below 32°F or above 85°F or when the weather service issues warnings for hurricanes, tornadoes and other severe weather.

The legislation also increases the minimum length of a tether from 10 feet to 15 feet.

Additionally, dogs must be provided adequate shelter during hot weather that is properly shaded and does not readily conduct heat. During cold weather, the shelter must have a windbreak at its entrance and provide bedding material (such as straw, cedar shavings, or similar) that is sufficient to protect the animal from cold and promote the retention of body heat.

Adequate Shelter Virgina Code 3.2-6500
Click here for more information

Visiting Giles County Animal Shelter
Please phone us on 540-921-2053 to check that the dog or cat you want to visit is still available and to verify that someone will be at the shelter.

We are 7 miles (20 minutes) from Pearisburg via VA-100. Click here for directions.

Location Map of Giles County Animal Shelter, Pearisburg, VA

This website is funded, operated and maintained by The Dog Rescues Network as a service to the community. This website has no connection with Giles County Animal Shelter. No payment has been received or is required. For enquiries about this website e-mail: webmaster@dogrescues.net